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Showing posts from September, 2016

Salvation - Part 2

How is salvation? SALVATION is a JOURNEY. Colossians 1:13 – 14 This is a journey from the Carnal Nature into the Nature of God. This is a journey from confusion into the knowledge of God’s plan for your life. This is a journey from fear to confidence. This is a journey from worries to the understanding of God’s plan. This is a journey from doubts to the wisdom of Christ at work in you. This is a journey from the law of sin and death to the law of Spirit and Life. This is the journey from the image of sin into the image of God. This is the journey from ignorance into the discovering of God’s plan and purpose for your life. This is the journey of Grace and Truth. This has nothing to do with THE LAW – BUT the GRACE OF OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST IS EVERY THING.  – JOHN 1:17 SALVATION is not all about you looking for God. This is a journey where God will locate you and come down to your level to reveal his intention or plan for your life. This is a journey from faith to fait...

Salvation - Part 1

I commend you to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to help you to discover and learn all that God has proposed you to learn and discover in Jesus Name. Our topic for today is SALVATION. Our Case Study will be Colossians 1:13 – 14 What is Salvation? SALVATION is the translation from the kingdom of sin into the kingdom of his dear son. SALVATION is a lifestyle, a personality, a culture and SHE has a desire (God’s plan and purpose). SALVATION is a journey from the stage of ignorance into the place of the knowledge of God’s plan. This is a shift of mindset, attitude and manner of approach from the carnal state into God’s principles. Why is SALVATION needed? SALVATION is needed because of the fall of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Man-kind was perfect in the beginning until sin entered into them and corrupts God’s nature in their lives. This is needed because man-kind need to be restored back to the plan and purpose of God, sin cut off from mankind after the f...

Love is Me - Part 2

Where is LOVE? LOVE is in you! – Romans 5:5 LOVE is the Grace of our Lord Jesus Christ who is at work in you.  LOVE is the Holy Ghost that dwells within you When can you experience LOVE? When you stop believing what you see, feel and touch above what the word of God says about you. When you choose to believe God’s word – Jeremiah 31:3 – Proverbs 23:7 LOVE is not only for dating. LOVE is for every daily activity of your life. It’s in the way you think, attitude, talent, creativity, skills and manner of approach. It’s in the way you treat your brothers and sisters. It’s in the way you treat you class mate and school mate. It’s in the way you make friends and the motive behind you making friends. From age 13 to 22, you ought to use this season of your life to discover the purpose and plan of God for your life. Within this time frame you should be able to define your direction in life ad destiny. You should be able to know what is expected of you by t...

Love is Me - Part 1

I commend you to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to help you to discover and learn all that God has proposed you to learn and discover in Jesus Name. Our topic for today is LOVE IS ME. Our case study is Genesis 1:26 – 28 and I John 4:8 – 16 What is LOVE? LOVE is not a feelings but it feels. LOVE is not a song but you can compose a song for it. LOVE is not a pit you can fall into (falling in LOVE). LOVE is a living, a lifestyle, a culture, and has a specific desire. Why is LOVE needed? LOVE is needed for a specific purpose, plan, calling and an assignment from the heart beat of God Himself. This is needed for a constant growth, improvement, re-positioning and adjustment from immaturity into maturity. LOVE is needed for the discovering of your self. She is need for self development. She is needed for the discovery of talent, ideas, and creativity. She is needed for destiny. She is need for purpose and you becoming all that God has created you to be. LOVE is...

Life - Part 2

Life Is a JOURNEY To become the leader God has created you to be, you must acknowledge you are in a specific journey. Individually, we all have our individual journey and collectively, we have our collective journey. You are not here by accident. You are not a product of mistake. The Past, present and future exist for the sake of this journey. You are coming from some where to be here and you are moving to some where. Either you like it or yes, you are on a journey into your place of leadership.. Individually, we all have different specific, detailed and unique pattern for this individual journey. You were born into the journey and you were created for this journey. There is a blueprint for this individual journey called LIFE. It’s a journey from ignorance to knowledge. It’s a journey from immaturity to maturity. It’s a journey from the past to the future. It’s a journey from God’s plan into the reality of God’s plan. Understanding this principle and operating in them brin...

Life - Part 1

I commend you to the Holy Spirit and God’s word to help you to discover and learn all that God has proposed you to learn and discover in Jesus Name. The topic for today’s teaching is LIFE Our Case Study is JOHN 10:10 I will start by saying every body is created by God to be a leader. Every body is a leader and every leader needs a leader. You were given life for leading sake. The greatest life Jesus gave to us is LIFE and this is His invest in you for leadership. Jesus and has given you life, lets check what life entail. What is Life? Life is the greatest gift Jesus has given you. I want to explain Life in three phases. 1. Life is a package. 2. Life is a journey. 3. Life is a woman. Life is a PACKAGE The understanding of life is the understanding of your self. From God to humanity, there is nothing that is made to be single. God operates as the FATHER, as the SON and as the HOLY SPIRIT. Man operates through the BODY, SPIRIT and SOUL. The YOU that is re...

A Touch

We smile,  We laugh, We sing, We dance, We say it’s well yet, we die in pains. We call, but nobody answers We cry, but no one listens We fall due to our own ignorance Why are left to our own fate? Is any one really listening? Pretense has over taken us We smile but our hearts bleeds We laugh but confused Will you just stand and watch these young ones suffer? Will you allow their dreams to die? Some body needs your touch A touch that will heal their heart A touch that will steal away their fears A touch that will stir their hope back to life Don’t just sit and watch. Save a dream today We need you, we need your support We can’t do this all alone Look around us and see Someone is waiting for your touch

The Cry Of A Teenage Girl

They clam to be friends, uncles and brothers Yet they steal away our virginity Even if we cry out, who will believe? When we run to them for advices But they expose us heavy pressure. They smile at us but their heart, is full of lust We build our dreams but they hunt us down Is it a crime to be young and beautiful? I know there is some one out there. That has once been in my shoes We need your prayers and support If we fail like you did Then of what use are you to us? Am just 16 year old Why do you want to take advantage of me? Don’t entice us into pleasure and sex A safety world for the teenagers? Let it begin with you.


Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate thereon day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then you shall make your way prosperous, and then you shall have good success. There are three things I want to notice in this bible passage. This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth: - This is the reality of you studying the word of God day in and day out in order for you, to understand his will for your life. Why must you study your bible? The Bible is the total hidden truth about your identity in God, your purpose for existence and your right in life. You are asked to study the word for protection or for you to use it (Book of Psalms) to fight your enemy. No! The bible is given to you to search, ask and seek for your purpose for living and it is in the truth lies the reason why Jesus died and the reason why God loves, provide and protect you. You are created to f...


God said, “I AM that I AM.” Jesus said, “I Am the Light; I Am the Way; I Am the Truth; I Am the Door; I Am the First; I Am the Last; I Am the Beginning; I Am the End; I Am the Bright Morning Star, I Am Alive.” I am   in Christ, therefore   I am . I am  washed in the blood of Jesus.  I am  cleansed.  I am  forgiven all my sins.  I am  redeemed. I am  free from condemnation.  I am  a disciple of Jesus Christ.  I am  set free. I am  crucified with Christ.  I am  alive with Christ.  I am  a son of God. I am  a son of light, and not of darkness.  I am  born again by the ever living Word of God. I am  justified.  I am  sanctified by His Word. I am  righteous and holy, because  I am  in Christ Jesus.  I am  clothed in righteousness. I am new creation, because  I am  in Christ Jesus...


You are welcome. The major challenge of people is not what they say - it's the ignorance of their selves. Life is built with principles. in other to mind what you say - there are few things you must first give attention. MIND WHAT YOU CHOOSE TO LEARN This is the foundation of everything. every knowledge is not meant for you. what you should choose to learn ought to be connected to the plans of God for your life. Learn to identify who you are through the word of God. all you need to learn about your self and life must be connected to the lifestyle of Jesus. if you miss this principle, you will never speak according to who you were created to be in Christ. Stop learning what people wants you to learn. Stop learning what you want and start learning what God wants you to learn. HOW WILL YOU KNOW WHAT TO LEARN? - Check what God's word have to say about learning. after all Jesus said "Follow me and  I will Make you." Jesus is the only l...