In the statement of JESUS, He said “I am THE WAY” – this imply there are many WAYs but there is one WAY that is original. JESUS is THE WAY means JESUS is THE original WAY. JESUS is THE WAY is not just a design but a platform for walk and relationship. JESUS is THE WAY to a specific destination (the FATHER).
JESUS is not THE WAY to greed. JESUS is not THE WAY to your selfish desire. JESUS is not THE WAY that satisfies your carnal desire. JESUS is not THE WAY to RELIGION. JESUS is not THE WAY to CHRISTIANITY. JESUS is not THE WAY to RELIGION. JESUS is not THE WAY to Self righteousness. JESUS is not THE WAY to gaining wealth and oppressing the poor. JESUS is not THE WAY to RELIGION or Christianity.
JESUS is THE WAY to the plan of God. JESUS is THE WAY to the vision of God for your life. JESUS is THE WAY to the intention of God for your existence. JESUS is THE WAY into the Kingdom of God. JESUS is THE WAY to the knowledge, understanding and wisdom to your divine assignment in CHRIST. JESUS is THE WAY to the lifestyle we lost in the Garden of Eden. JESUS is THE WAY back to your personal relationship with the Holy Spirit. JESUS is THE WAY back to the restoration and reconciliation between man-kind and His Creator. JESUS is THE WAY to true worship towards your heavenly FATHER. JESUS is THE WAY to WORSHIP and Relationship with the family of God. JESUS is THE WAY to God’s family.
Any platform of worship with the identity of JESUS that is not reconciling you to God is FAKE. Any platform of worship with the identity of JESUS that blesses you but deny you discovering purpose is FAKE. Any platform of worship with the identity of JESUS that denies you a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit is FAKE.
Any Gospel that says the death of your loved ones is due to God’s anger towards you is not Gospel of JESUS. Any Gospel that says sickness is due to God’s anger towards you is not the Gospel of JESUS. Any Gospel that says GRACE is an excuse for you to continue in sin is not the Gospel of JESUS.
We have two kinds of WAY; JESUS and RELIGION. RELIGION is Fear. JESUS is GRACE. JESUS leads you to freedom in God’s plan. JESUS leads you to worship and relationship with the FATHER. RELIGION leads you to the LAW; activities. JESUS leads you to SALVATION. RELIGION leads you to fear. RELIGION makes you believe, you are not good enough. JESUS leads you to a place of God’s acceptance. JESUS leads you to a place where you are completed in God. RELIGION leads you to works (self righteousness) JESUS leads you to work (discovering purpose and doing the plan of God).
JESUS gives GRACE and TRUTH. RELIGION gives law and death. GRACE and TRUTH gives Freedom and relationship with the FATHER. RELIGION brings law and death. The Spirit of Law and death gives fear and condemnation. JESUS is not THE WAY to law and death. JESUS is not THE WAY to any RELIGION. JESUS is not THE WAY to the law of sin and death. JESUS is THE WAY to the law of Spirit and Life.
To be continued...
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