The truth is all about a specific knowledge of God about any issue. The truth is specific, detailed and a lifestyle of God expressed. The truth cut off from man-kind made them to be confused about their identity. The absence of the truth became the beginning of man’s frustration. The absence of the truth became the beginning of man’s error. The absence of truth became the beginning of man’s behavior. The absence of truth became the beginning of corruption. This truth is the right knowledge for every thing man-kind need. The absence of the truth became the reign of ignorance in man-kind. After the fall of Adam and Eve, they became ignorant of God’s plan. After the fall of man-kind, they became ignorant and they lost the knowledge of their identity. After the fall in the Garden of Eden, they still had knowledge but a wrong type of knowledge. In the Garden of Eden – there was an exchange of truth. in the Garden of Eden, there was an exchange of knowledge. Adam and Eve lost the k...